jQuery like AngularJS $HTTP Functions

Jan 31, 2015

###Provide jQuery like AngularJS http functions

var app = angular.module('emulatorApp', [], function($httpProvider) {
  // Use x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Type
  $httpProvider.defaults.headers.post['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8';
   * The workhorse; converts an object to x-www-form-urlencoded serialization.
   * @param {Object} obj
   * @return {String}
  var param = function(obj) {
    var query = '', name, value, fullSubName, subName, subValue, innerObj, i;
    for(name in obj) {
      value = obj[name];
      if(value instanceof Array) {
        for(i=0; i<value.length; ++i) {
          subValue = value[i];
          fullSubName = name + '[' + i + ']';
          innerObj = {};
          innerObj[fullSubName] = subValue;
          query += param(innerObj) + '&';
      else if(value instanceof Object) {
        for(subName in value) {
          subValue = value[subName];
          fullSubName = name + '[' + subName + ']';
          innerObj = {};
          innerObj[fullSubName] = subValue;
          query += param(innerObj) + '&';
      else if(value !== undefined && value !== null)
        query += encodeURIComponent(name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value) + '&';
    return query.length ? query.substr(0, query.length - 1) : query;
  // Override $http service's default transformRequest
  $httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest = [function(data) {
    return angular.isObject(data) && String(data) !== '[object File]' ? param(data) : data;

app.controller("optionController", function($scope) {
    $scope.options = {
        name: '{$service.options.name}',
        description: '{$service.options.description}'

Do Not Remain Silent

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