How to get Wechat UserInfo via access_token

Mar 8, 2015

###Without using OAuth2.0 access token, You can use Universal access token instead to get UserInfo.

####Get User’s openid You could get this XML when wechat user follow you or post you message.


####Use your appid to get the Universal Access Token.

The return result:

    "access_token": "NU7Kr6v9L9TQaqm5NE3OTPctTZx797Wxw4Snd2WL2HHBqLCiXlDVOw2l-Se0I-WmOLLniAYLAwzhbYhXNjbLc_KAA092cxkmpj5FpuqNO0IL7bB0Exz5s5qC9Umypy-rz2y441W9qgfnmNtIZWSjSQ",
    "expires_in": 7200

####Use Universal Access Token & openid to get the UserInfo

The return result:

    "subscribe": 1,
    "openid": "oLVPpjqs2Bhvz*******vTYAX4GLc",
    "nickname": "Discountry",
    "sex": 1,
    "language": "zh_CN",
    "city": "北京",
    "province": "北京",
    "country": "中国",
    "headimgurl": "",
    "subscribe_time": 1386160805

The basic idea quoted from Fangbei

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