DaoCloud is an Docker Service Provider. This tutorial helps you to set up an Wordpress blog on DaoCloud with persistent storage.
DaoCloud has an community plan for free. It’s an convenient choice for developers who cannot afford an expansive server to deploy a blog.
Just click some buttons in Service Integration
and choose the MySQL service.
Create a new volume in Volume
and name it as you like.
In the App Market you can choose the Wordpress image and click set up now
then follow the steps.
During the settings,you need to bind MySQL & Volume services to your blog App.
It is recommended to choose 512MB RAM. In order to make your app persistent,you need to set the volume path to /var/www/html
(otherwise if you redeploy your app you may lost your data).
After you set up your App, you’ll get a URL bind to it. Header to your app and install.
Then rock with your new free blog.
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